No. 1/2016 (2)


  1. Editor’s Note/Table of Contents
  2. Vasile VULPE, Elena GAVRILAȘThe Imaging Examination of the Canine and Feline Stomach – 2016;2(1):3-7.
  3. Elena GAVRILAȘ Breast Tumor Clinical Staging in Cats – 2016;2(1):8-10.
  4. Oana BÎRSANClinical and Imagistic Diagnostic in Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomiopathy – 2016;2(1):12-16.
  5. Carla MURINO, Giuseppina MENNONNA, Leonardo MEOMARTINOComputed Tomographic Features in Canine Elbow Dysplasia – 2016;2(1):18-22.
  6. Robert Cristian PURDOIU, Radu LĂCĂTUȘ, Ionel PAPUCSpecial Ultrasound Techniques Used in Companion Animals Ultrasound Examination – Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) and Elastography – 2016;2(1):24-28.
  7. Cristina ȘERBANScottish Fold Osteochondrodysplasia (SFOCD) – Short Review Regarding the Condition and Therapy Options – 2016;2(1):29-32.
  8. Ioan Eugen BONDOC, Cristina-Alice VULPE, Vasile VULPEComparative Results in Intravenous Urography in Dog Using Three Different Contrast Media – 2016;2(1):33-37.