No. 2/2016 (3)


  1. Editor’s Note/Table of Contents
  2. Vasile VULPEThe Radiological Examination – Technique and Necessity – 2016;2(2):3-6.
  3. Ludovic BACUȘCĂGlomerulonephritis in Dogs and Cats – Clinical and Ultrasound Diagnosis – 2016;2(2):7-10.
  4. Cristina-Alice VULPE, Leonardo MEOMARTINO, Vasile VULPE, Ionel PAPUCThe Imaging Diagnosis of Neoplastic Formations Belonging to the Kidney and Urinary Bladder of Dogs – 2016;2(2):12-15.
  5. Radu Andrei BAISANThe Heart Rate – A Predictive Index of Survival Time in Dogs with Dilated Cardiomiopathy – 2016;2(2):16-20.
  6. Irina SILVESTRU, Lucia Mădălina CORLATThe Imaging Examination of the Vertebral Column in Patients with Traumatic Injuries and Urinary Symptoms – 2016;2(2):22-25.
  7. Constantin VLĂGIOIU, Gabriel PREDOI, Niculae TUDOR, Alexandru Gabriel NEAGU, Mihai SĂVESCU, Adriana ALISTARThe Beginning of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from Bucharest – 2016;2(2):27-30.
  8. Abel-Ionuț PĂSĂILĂGeneral Concepts Related to Obesity in Dogs and its Causes – 2016;2(2):31-35.